RelocateMe hero logo

Mobile App Design

Real Estate App

Project Overview​

RelocateMe is a user-friendly web app for quickly finding, renting, buying, and selling Real Estate. Our goal is to simplify the entire process, offering a seamless experience with an option to collaborate with friends and family.

Project duration – 4 weeks

RelocateMe mockups

Design stages



RelocateMe solutions


As a part of App building process, was conduced user research (primary and secondary)in order to try to understand the market and its needs. For quantitative research was conduced a survey using Google Forms with 45 participants. The target audience were between the ages of 20-65 years old.

Key insights

RelocateMe key insights
RelocateMe chart 1
The majority of users are primarily interested in renting apartments and houses.
RelocateMe chart 2
How often do users use real estate apps to search for properties
RelocateMe chart 3
40% of users typically use filters when searching for properties on the app
RelocateMe chart 4
Would like to get similar notifications of Real Estate properties that they have watched.


RelocateMe persona

James Williams

Age: 40
Occupation: marketing manager
Location: Los Anjeles
Education: High Education
Status: Married with kids

I want to see all relevant and nearby properties in one application,so that i can find an apartment as fast as possible.

“James, a marketing manager, married with two kids, relocates annually for work, creating stress due to the need to find housing near schools and markets. He seeks a platform to ease this process, prioritizing speed and convenience. Inclusivity in decision-making with his wife and kids is crucial.”


• To select a property that meets all requirements
• To explore a wide range of available options
• To involve your family by collaborating with them to find a property that suits everyone's needs and preferences.


• Netflix
• Sport
• Dog
• Travelling


• To discover a home closer to work, enabling him to spend more quality time with his family.
• John is driven to explore multiple options to make the best decision for his family's housing needs.

Paint Points

• Lengthy Search: John spends too much time searching.
• Location Challenges: He struggles to find properties in his desired location.
• The process creates mental stress.
• He faces difficulties contacting property owners.


• Easily find properties by map in a desired area and to check neighbourhoods.
• To have the opportunity to contact a property owner immediately.
• To save properties, to watch them later.

RelocateMe personality


Information architecture

RelocateMe information architecture


RelocateMe wireframes

Typography & colors

RelocateMe typography background
RelocateMe typography
RelocateMe typography phones

Color palette

RelocateMe color palette


RelocateMe components

Usability studies and design iterations

Through user research, including usability testing, surveys and interviews, we identified several key insights. To address these issues and create a more user-friendly experience, we implemented the following changes


  • Many users expressed a desire for more personalization within the app.
  • Users desire easy transitions between list and map views and well-designed sorting options.
  • Most users prefer resuming their data entry from where they left off, rather than starting over.


  • Were added property type quick navigating menu, as well as recommended and nearby properties to improve personalization experience.
  • The ability to personalize sorting preferences, including filtering and sorting options, as well as selecting between map and list views from the top navigation, allows for greater customization.
  • Dialog Window with an option to start from last searches enhances the user experience and allows for a user to resume data entry from where he left off.


RelocateMe before
Dronix arrow


RelocateMe after

Visual Design

RelocateMe on boarding screen

Customized on-boarding process

RelocateMe visual design section background

Communication and Collaboration - like, share and comment on saved properties in one place

RelocateMe on boarding screen
RelocateMe screens